Hi! I am Wei.

Engineer, entrepreneur, and aspiring product manager interested in climate🌍

I am a mechanical engineer who thrives at the intersection of business and technology. Since graduating from MIT, I have gravitated toward projects involving consumer hardware, product development, manufacturing… I have experiences identifying problems, figuring out what customers want, bringing solution to market (0-100,000 units), and managing my own schedule and budget. I also have a passion for climate innovation/waste reduction/reuse and entrepreneurship.

My experiences have led me to the realization that climate change is going to be my biggest calling in my lifetime. This problem is very exciting to me due to its complexity, timeframe, and impact. I am currently exploring ways to maximize my personal impact in this space.


I am supporting early stage startups tackling impactful problems.

Outside of work, I work on some side projects. See below.


I have spent around 8 years each in China, New York City, and Boston. Check out my journey.

Since college, I have spent 5 years working at VC backed startups and a public company in Boston. I learned a lot here about how high functioning teams are run and what successful product development programs look like.


Startup: Customer research, Market Analysis, building MVP, leading teams, public speaking, looking for product market (& business model) fit

Fabrication: Injection Mold, Sheet Metal Form, 3D Print, Laser Cut, Benchtop Tools, Solder, Glassblowing, Thermoform

Software: CAD (PTC CREO/Onshape/Solidworks), Microsoft Office Suite, Google Office Suite, ChatGPT

Language: Native English, Professional Working Mandarin and Cantonese; Arduino, Python

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